Aditi Krishna


PhD in CS (Human-AI Interaction, Human-Centered AI, Information Visualization) @ Khoury College - Northeastern University, Boston. Previously worked at QuantUniversity, Amazon, Persistent Systems (4 years of experience in data science, machine learning, and analytics).

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Projects in Data Science and Machine Learning

SnowCast: Lake-Effect Snow Prediction with Hybrid Multimodal CNN-LSTM Network

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StockSense: NLP based Stock Market Sentiment Analysis Web App using Streamlit and FastAPI

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Demographic Clustering: Unleashing Insights Through Unsupervised Algorithms

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Generating Storm Nowcast Images from Archival Imagery: Web App for Visualizing Predicted Storm Patterns

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WebApp for Visual Search using DeepFashion Dataset

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Hotel Database Management System

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Product Recommendation based on Market Basket Analysis and Customer Segmentation using RFM Analysis

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Other projects